The Private School Consultancy

Over 38 years experience working with private, independent schools


Faculty and Administrator Placement

bullet School Governance
bullet Institutional Culture and Image Audits
bullet Strategic Planning

Retreats, Seminars, and Workshops


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     Strategic Planning

The Book of Proverbs (29:18) reminds us that “where there is no vision….people perish.” It is often said that organizations don’t plan to fail, but several fail to plan. We all know that “if you do not know where you’re going, you’re likely to wind up somewhere else.”

The last thing a school needs is a strategic plan that enjoys a long shelf life. Yet, many do.  Ideally no strategic plan should extend more than 3 years.  Has yours expired?

A well-conceived and thorough strategic plan calls an organization to action and ensures that thoughtful objectives translate in action items to which the organization is held accountable.

Grounded in mission, a strategic plan frequently provides passion, vigor and excitement which inspire successful outcomes.

The strategic plan provides a blueprint that sets the big picture agenda. It then allows the school to develop a tactical plan articulating who will do what by when.  

The Private School Consultancy (PSC) specializes in Strategic Planning.  As Dr. Parker Tiller, Head of Mountain School in Kentucky, said: "The process, expertly initiated by PSC, served our school very well and set us on a path to achieve the vital outcomes we needed."


For Further Information

About Dr. Mike Novello

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Call 941-907-3844 (office); 941-400-5122 (mobile)
